Personal Loan
A personal loan is a loan that can be taken out by all Malaysian citizens who have a source of income. This is a loan scheme which provides loans to regularly salaried employees with a monthly repayment plan to meet their personal needs. A personal loan can also be defined as a short-term loan, and it may be the answer to your short-term cash needs. This is because a personal loan normally has a repayment period that is shorter than other types of loans such as housing loans or mortgages. We’ve got a personal loan to meet your need, and the personalized service to back it up. Rate reductions, no closing costs, and consultation fees. To be truly effective as a money lender adviser, we believe it is important to offer a wide range of services and solutions.
Easy to get the process started right now.
Interest Rate
1.5% - 26%
Document needed

Passport Photo

Photocopy IC

Address of your Property (Utilities Bill)

Latest (3) Month Income/ Salary Slips

CPF Statements (CPF)